It's a... GIRL!!

Although it’s been two months since we found out the gender of our second baby, sometimes I still can’t believe that we’re actually having a GIRL! AHHHHHKJKGHOSEUGEEEE!!! That’s me excited and just so dang surprised. I think after having a boy and getting so used to “boy mom life,” I just assumed that’s how parenthood would be for me. And honestly, I was content with that and ready for a little brother for Runner.


Since I’m over 35 and this is considered a geriatric pregnancy (that term still boggles my mind…), genetic testing was highly encouraged to rule out certain birth defects, and the test also includes the gender. We didn’t do anything special when we found out Runner’s gender. In fact, I simply got a call from the doctor’s office while I was at work, let out a small gasp when I found out he was a boy (excitement/shock/fear), and then called Justin to tell him the news. So, I wanted to make a little bigger deal about it this time around.

Justin had a trip planned about 10 days after I took the test, and my doctor sounded optimistic that I would find out the results before then. I contacted a photographer friend (Melanie Wright Photography) and asked if she could be on stand by for the following Friday afternoon and we mentioned it to a few friends. But, that Friday came and still no results. I called my doctor’s office and left a message, but a few hours later, still no call back. I didn’t want to be that annoying pregnant woman because obviously this was not an emergency, but I was just really eager to find out the results before Justin left town. So, I tried once more about 30 minutes before the office was set to close for the weekend and asked if they would check one more time. Luckily, this time a nurse was able to confirm that she had the results. Once I was told that the rest of the tests had come back normal, I had her call a good friend with the gender results.

I had been doing some work at the KGSR radio station where I’m on the air once a week (*plug* Saturdays 12-4 on 97.1 Austin City Limits Radio), so I rushed home to change and confirmed our photographer could make it. I had bought four of those smoke bombs (two pink, two blue) to give to our friend who knew the results. I totally wasn’t thinking about daylight saving time though, and since we didn’t find out we had the results until after 4 p.m., it was pitch black outside by the time we were set to do the reveal. But, it was happening with light or not. We stood outside near the light from our patio and at the count of three…

PINK!!!! My reaction was shock, followed by me turning around and tripping, grabbing Justin in disbelief and then tears. “Is this real life??” I said at one point. I really did expect it to be a boy and I really would have been happy with that. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for a girl, but I was fine with another boy and excited about the idea of getting to see the differences between two boys. And speaking of boys, that is apparently just what Runner was hoping for: a baby brother. As soon as he saw the pink powder he knew exactly what that meant and he actually collapsed to the floor in a full meltdown. I thought maybe the popping sound from the smoke bombs scared him, so I picked him up to comfort him as he cried, “I don’t wanna sister!” Ah, poor guy.


That lasted for a while, but by the end of the night he was holding pink balloons and smiling for pics. (He did tell me the next day he was going to “throw her in the trash,” but I’m hoping he’ll continue to warm up to the idea). And while Justin has already lectured me on her shoe budget (I had 10 pairs for Runner before he was born), he and I are thrilled to be welcoming our baby girl in May.

Photos by Melanie Wright Photography

Photos by Melanie Wright Photography

Lauren Petrowski